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Родительские собрания
France France France United States of America France Netherlands
Netherlands United States of America United States of America Netherlands United States of America Netherlands
United States of America France France France France France
France France France France France France
France France France France France France
France France France France France France
France France France France France France
France France France France France France
France France France France France France
France France France France France France
Netherlands France France France France France
France France France France France France
France France France France France France
France France France France France France
France United States of America France United States of America Russian Federation France
Uzbekistan United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America Netherlands
Netherlands Netherlands United States of America Netherlands France Netherlands
Netherlands United States of America Netherlands France France Netherlands
United States of America Netherlands France United States of America United States of America Netherlands
Netherlands United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America France
France France France United States of America United States of America United States of America
France United States of America Netherlands Netherlands France Netherlands
France United States of America Netherlands United States of America Netherlands Netherlands
France United States of America Netherlands France United States of America Netherlands
United States of America Germany United States of America Netherlands United States of America France
United States of America United States of America United States of America Netherlands United States of America France
France United States of America Netherlands United States of America United States of America United States of America
Netherlands Netherlands United States of America France Netherlands France
France France France United States of America Netherlands Netherlands
Netherlands France United States of America United States of America Netherlands United States of America
France France United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America
Netherlands United States of America Netherlands Netherlands France France
Netherlands France France France France France
Netherlands United States of America United States of America Netherlands France France
Netherlands France Netherlands Netherlands United States of America United States of America
Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands United States of America United States of America Netherlands
Netherlands United States of America Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands
Netherlands United States of America Netherlands United States of America United States of America Netherlands
France France Netherlands Netherlands United States of America France
France France France France France France
France France Netherlands Netherlands United States of America Netherlands
France France France Netherlands United States of America Netherlands
France France France France    
Родительские собрания

Родительское собрание по итогам 3 четверти

Со второго полугодия нашу большую и дружную школьную семью разделили на два класса. Добавилось много новых учеников. В связи с этим, конечно, возникло много сложностей: адаптация в новом коллективе, привыкание к новым требованиям преподавателя, новый режим работы и еще множество разных нюансов. Но четверть пролетела и мы готовы подвести итоги ее работы!

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Оставьте свой комментарий

13-01-2017 Родительское собрание по итогам 1 полугодия
28-08-2014 Напутствие родителям второклассников
25-05-2014 Собрание по итогам 1 класса
05-11-2013 "Наши первые шаги"
23-11-2012 Родительское собрание, посвященное году Семьи